Chad was one of the founding editors of the 5th Wall in 1991. Previously he had works of ceramics and woven sculpture in art shows and had been performing music (mostly in choirs). Chad had been writing (seriously?) for about two years when the 5th Wall began. At about the same time he began studying Musical Composition, Papermaking, and Printmaking at Mesa College in San Diego. He transfered to San Francisco State University as a Music Composition Major in 1994 where he also began studying Animation and Book-binding.
Chad has been a part of numerous musical performances both in San Francisco and San Diego, often collaborating with other artists. Visual works (etchings, drawings, weavings, conceptual music) have appeared in several shows and galleries. Most of these works have become integrative, combining as many of these disciplines as is suitable to the subject.
In 1998 Chad moved to Arizona to spend a semester at Biosphere 2, the materially closed greenhouse that supported eight inhabitants from 1991-1993. Now both a research facility and an undergraduate campus run by Columbia University, he approached science there in the same integrative way and after completing the semester was chosen for a NASA funded summer internship.
After returning from Arizona, Chad started miniMusic in 1999. This company now sells the leading music software for handheld computers for composition, performance, and education. Chad is currently the president and cheif software engineer.