Calathiscus Chadae

Chad Mealey was born in San Diego, California in 1972 and now resides in San Francisco. His first basket was woven at the age of twelve under the tutelage of his cousin Jay Mosier. At San Diego Mesa College, in the early 90s, Chad explored various other techniques (twining, knotting, coiling, etc.) and began developing his own organic abstract style.

Chad is a devout inter-disciplinarian (trans-disciplinarian?) with a background in traditional animation, computer science, paper making, book binding, environmental science, music, graphic design, writing, dancing, martial arts, and so on. He has specific interest in solar power, biospherics, insects, complex systems and conceptual art.

He has previously worked at the Salk Institute, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Biosphere 2 Center, Annual Guides for the Arts, and continues to develop music software for miniMusic.
